2025 Good News Nomination Form

Do YOU know of a business, organization or individual in Schenectady County that should be celebrated due to…

    Exceptional growth or expansion over the past 18 months? 

    A new or renovated building?

    Celebration of a significant anniversary? 

    Demonstrating extraordinary community support? 

    Launching a unique product or service in the past year? 

    Just being a true success story? 

If so, please nominate that business or organization for a "Good News" Award from The Chamber of Schenectady County!   Awards will be presented at The Chamber's annual Good News Awards on Wednesday, April 16th at River Stone Manor. Self-nominations are also welcome. Please click here to see a list of past recipients.

Please note that the following criteria must be met for all nominees

  • Must be based in Schenectady County
  • Must not have received a Good News award in the past 10 years

Please submit nominations no later than 5pm on Thursday, March 6th.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Briefly explain in 350 words or less why this company/person should receive this award

Significant anniversary is defined as 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200...

Optional (NOT required) Letter of Recommendation or Testimonial

20MB max