Teal, Becker & Chiaramonte, CPAs, PC
Taxes, Consultants & Representatives Accountants or CPAs
At Teal, Becker & Chiaramonte, CPAs, P.C. (TBC), we take every opportunity to go beyond what is expected of an established CPA firm to deliver superior client satisfaction. Founded in 1971, TBC was created with one goal in mind: to provide excellence in service and professional expertise to our clients. Now, well into our fifth decade, TBC is still delivering on that promise and we are proud of our history. Located in the Capital of New York State, in the Heart of the Tech Valley Region, our Firm has focused on serving the Greater Capital Region since our formation in 1971. We’ve never lost sight of this vision. We are committed to the businesses and individuals in this region and recognize that their ideas and enthusiasm are the reason why our community is thriving. We recognize that the growth in our local community is the reason why TBC is now ranked the largest CPA Firm in the Business Review and has the privilege of employing a skilled team of 85 associates. Our staff and our client roster feel like family and we are committed to serving this community for many, many years to come. Whether a commercial business, an educational institution or municipality, a not-for-profit organization or an individual, your accountant needs to understand your unique financial structure, goals, accounting and tax needs. Our full range of services supports our commitment to providing customized accounting, tax, and comprehensive financial expertise that enables superior financial performance for your business or organization.

Robert Kind
Managing Shareholder